Seagull grabs Gizmo the Chihuahua from a garden in Devon before soaring away with the dog | Daily Mail Online

A dog owner has been left distraught after her beloved pet Chihuahua was grabbed by a seagull and taken away.

Gizmo had been enjoying the weather in the back garden of Becca Hill’s house in Devon when it was snatched by the seagull.

The bird swooped down and grabbed the tiny four-year-old pooch in its beak according to Ms Hill.

The 24-year-old has now issued a social media appeal after both her and her partner witnessed the horrifying incident this afternoon.

Gizmo the Chihuahua was taken earlier today from a garden in Devon. His owner Becca Hill (pictured above with the pooch) has been left distraught

The four-year-old dog (pictured) was carried away by the seagull and has not been seen since

Becca and her partner saw the seagull swoop down into their garden before it carried the helpless pooch away (stock image of a seagull)

Gizmo is still missing and the couple have no idea where he is, or if he has been harmed by the seagull.

Speaking to Devon Live earlier today, Ms Hill said: ‘My partner was in the garden putting the washing out at the time and suddenly he saw it swoop down.

‘It carried Gizmo a fair way as we couldn’t see him anymore. I have no idea if he was dropped or where he is now.’

Ms Hill added that she had never expected anything like this to happen to little Gizmo, despite the fact that previous incidents of seagulls snatching dogs had been recorded in the area.

The couple now have no idea where Gizmo (pictured above) is and whether or not the seagull has harmed him 

Gizmo’s capture by the seagull comes after a 2015 attack that saw another dog in the area pecked to death by the birds (stock image of a seagull)

Back in 2015, one pet owner watched in horror as he Chihuahua was killed by a flock of seagulls.

Niki Wayne, 57, found the birds pecking her pooch Becca to death after she had managed to get out of the house.

After nudging the door open Bella managed to escape and was killed by the lurking birds.

The mother-of-five had previously warned dog owners to be vigilant in order to prevent another attack.

An RSPB spokesman said: ‘This must be extremely upsetting for the dog’s owner. Fortunately these types of incidents are very rare and not typical gull behaviour.’

Seagull grabs Gizmo the Chihuahua from a garden in Devon before soaring away with the dog

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