The Newest Free Game From Epic Is A Swashbuckling Space Adventure

Now that the Epic Games Store has begun giving away free games on a weekly basis, Epic account holders have an even greater variety of games to add to their collection; however, the new weekly schedule means those freebies are available for a shorter time. So don’t wait too long to grab Rebel Galaxy, the latest free PC game available from the Epic Store. The space trading and combat simulator is free to claim now until next Thursday, June 27, when it will be replaced by cinematic story game Last Day of June. As a reminder, you need a free Epic account to claim the game, and once you do, it’ll be yours to keep.

Get Rebel Galaxy for free »

Rebel Galaxy is a single-player, Western-style space adventure set in a randomly generated universe that involves combat, exploration, trade, and negotiation. You’ll act as commander of an “immensely powerful star destroyer.” The gameplay is restricted to a two-dimensional plane of movement, and while there is a story, you’re free to choose your own path, whether you want to fly around and battle pirates, mine asteroids, hang out with aliens, or explore space anomalies.

GameSpot hasn’t reviewed Rebel Galaxy, but the game does have 5,000 reviews and a “Very Positive” rating on Steam, so you’re not losing anything by grabbing it while it’s free and checking it out.

Epic just wrapped up its storewide Mega Sale, which offered steep discounts and an additional $10 off every game over $15. The free weekly game giveaways, which began during the Mega Sale, will now continue through the rest of 2019, so even if Rebel Galaxy isn’t your game, be sure to check back, as Epic has already established a track record of giving away some great games for no cost. And while PC game deals are on your mind, get ready for more savings, as Steam’s Summer Sale 2019 is predicted to kick off in just a few days on June 25.

This content was originally published here.

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