Harry Potter franchise set to release FOUR new stories next month | Daily Mail Online

Harry Potter franchise set to release FOUR new stories next month with fans able to ‘delve deeper into the rich history of magic’

The Harry Potter franchise is set to release four new eBooks next month, on 27 June, offering fans of the boy wizard the chance to ‘delve deeper into the rich history of magic’.

The non-fiction short stories, all called ‘Harry Potter: A Journey Through…’ have been adapted from the audiobook Harry Potter: A History of Magic, which was inspired by the British Library exhibition – J.K. Rowling is not involved. 

The ‘bitesize’ eBooks, launched by Pottermore Publishing, will be themed around lessons Harry and his friends studied at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.   

Hit franchise: The Harry Potter franchise is set to release four new eBooks next month, on 27 June, offering fans of the boy wizard the chance to ‘delve deeper into the rich history of magic’

They include Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Herbology, Divination, Astronomy and Care of Magical Creatures. 

The Pottermore website promises the books ‘will take you back in time once again to learn about the traditional folklore and magic at the heart of the Harry Potter stories.’ 

It says: ‘Prepare to delve deeper into the rich history of magic (be it our own Muggle history, or the magical world created by J.K. Rowling).’

Exciting: The non-fiction short stories have been adapted from the audiobook Harry Potter: A History of Magic, which was inspired by the British Library exhibition, J.K. Rowling is not involved (pictured at Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald premiere in November) 

Premise: The ‘bitesize’ eBooks will be themed around lessons Harry and his friends studied at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 

The statement added: ‘In addition to exploring the origins of magic through history and folklore, the eBook shorts will also feature notes, manuscript pages and charming sketches as previously seen in Harry Potter: A History of Magic.’ 

The first two books, Harry Potter: A Journey Through Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts and Harry Potter: A Journey Through Potions and Herbology will be released on 27 June.

The third and fourth books – Harry Potter: A Journey Through Divination and Astronomy and Harry Potter: A Journey Through Care of Magical Creatures – will be released soon after. 

Magical tales: The first book was released in 1997, since its debut there has been a worldwide Harry Potter franchise – with each book turned into a blockbuster film

The eBook shorts are inspired by the 2017 British Library exhibition Harry Potter: A History of Magic and its companion book.

All four have been illustrated by London-based artist Rohan Daniel Eason. 

While they will be launched in English, French, Italian, and German initially, and are available to pre-order at Amazon UK and Amazon US, Apple and Kobo.    

The first Harry Potter novel was released in 1997. They follow young wizard Harry, and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley during their time at Hogwarts. 

Wizard world: Harry Potter and his friends at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (pictured in a movie still) 

Harry’s parents were killed when he was a baby by the novels’ antagonist Lord Voldemort, who tries to kill the boy wizard and destroy the wizarding world with his followers made up of the Death Eaters and Dementors. 

The seven books spawned a worldwide Harry Potter franchise – with eight blockbuster films as well as a themed area at Universal Studios and a studio tour in London.

Daniel Radcliffe starred as Harry Potter in the film series, with Emma Watson as Hermione Granger and Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley.

Villain: Harry’s parents were killed when he was a baby by the novels’ antagonist Lord Voldemort, who tries to kill the wizard in each book (Ralph Fiennes pictured as the character in the film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 in 2010) 

Harry Potter franchise set to release FOUR new stories next month

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This content was originally published here.


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