Colour-changing wristband sends alert when a person is being harassed or sexually assaulted  | Daily Mail Online

A wristband which sends an alert if the wearer is being sexually assaulted or harassed on a night out has been developed by a student.

Design student Beatriz Carvalho, 21, invented the discreet band and accompanying app which alerts friends and nightclub staff if a person feels they are in danger. 

If the wearer finds themselves in an uncomfortable situation, they can tap the wristband to trigger the alert through the app. 

A double tap will make the wristband light up and send a second alarm to bar and nightclub staff.  

After suffering from an incident where she was harassed as a teenager, Ms Carvalho wanted to help potential victims and ‘educate perpetrators’. 

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A colour-changing wristband which sends an alert if a victim is being sexually assaulted or harassed on a night out could prevent attacks from happening. A university student invented the discreet band and app which alerts friends and staff if a person feels they are in danger

The Edinburgh Napier product design student came up with the idea for her fourth year project with the aim to help keep its wearer safe.

The wristband can be linked to the Lux app which friends can join before going on a night out.   

 ‘It’s there to identify behaviour that is going too far and to help educate the perpetrator that this sort of thing isn’t acceptable,’ said Ms Carvalho.

‘It’s important that people who do potentially harass and step over the line learn to not do this sort of thing again – that’s really the only way that things will improve.’

The product has been a personal project of Ms Carvalho since she experienced harassment at school.

The incident still haunts her today saying that certain triggers bring the horrible memories back and wants to make a difference for people which Ms Carvalho says could act like a safety net.

After suffering from an incident where she was harassed as a teenager, design student Beatriz Carvalho, 21, wanted to help potential victims and ‘educate perpetrators’. A double tap will make the wristband light up and send a second alarm to bar and nightclub staff

Sexual harassment, groping, assault and unwanted sexual attention happens frequently at gigs and festivals 

A recent study by the University of Leeds said that most incidents are not reported, in part because victims worry because they will not be believed or taken seriously. 

The study noted that the number of false rape accusations is no higher than false reports for other crimes – 3 per cent. 

The UK Live Music Census found that two out of three venues examined did not have policies on sexual harassment and assault. 

‘Many have experienced something like this in a nightclub or at a gig,’ said Ms Carvalho.

‘No one should be scared of going out and Lux could be the difference for many – it could act like a safety net.’ 

‘Sexual harassment and behaviour that makes people uncomfortable is a complex subject.

‘Many people want to shy away from it and pretend that it doesn’t happen.’

Statistics show that about one in five women in England and Wales have experienced sexual assault since the age of 16.

Makers of such products, like the Lux wristband, argue that they have a vital role to play in tackling sexual assault.

The project was displayed for the first time at the Edinburgh Napier Degree Show earlier this month.


A master’s student at the University of Alabama at Birmingham developed a bracelet that can help prevent sexual assault.

If the device senses the person wearing it is under attack, it alerts authorities and sends them the coordinates of the wearer.

The smart bracelet, if it were to be mass produced, could address a health issue that affects one-third of women and one-sixth of men in the US, according to the CDC.

University of Alabama at Birmingham master’s student Jayun Patel (pictured) designed a bracelet that could help prevent sexual assault

But the CDC has clarified that these numbers probably do not reflect the severity of the problem given that many victims refrain from reporting sexual assault incidents.

The problem is particularly rampant on college campuses, such as the one where the smart bracelet was designed.

The CDC has reported that 20 percent of undergraduate females experience attempted or completed sexual assault during their college years.

The risk of getting sexually assaulted in college, for women, is highest freshman year, according to the US Department of Health and Human Services.

Females who identify as gay, lesbian or bisexual are more likely to experience sexual assault in college.

If you or a loved one have been the victim of a sexual assault or rape, help is available. 

In the US, call the National Sexual Assault Hotline on 1-800-656-4673 

In the UK, call the National Rape Crisis Helpline0808 802 9999 between 12 noon – 2.30pm and 7 – 9.30pm every day of the year

Colour-changing wristband sends alert when a person is being harassed or sexually assaulted 

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