Humpback whale swallows sea lion in accidental encounter during feeding frenzy – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
As traffic on the humpback highway ramps up along the east coast of Australia, a baleen whale on the other side of the Pacific has attracted attention for appearing to swallow a sea lion. Wildlife photographer Chase Dekker snapped the encounter during an anchovy feeding frenzy in California’s Monterey Bay. The sea lion appears to have got caught on the wrong end of the food chain and by the look on its face was as shocked to find itself between the humpback’s jaws as the Californian photographer was to capture the moment. “The whale lunged out of the water with that big mouth and this time I guess the sea lion didn’t move out of the way quickly enough — it was a little distracted I guess,” Mr Dekker said. Mr Dekker, a wildlife and conservation photographer, said it was common for humpback whales and sea lions to feed together during the anchovy season in the northern hemisphere from spring through to autumn. “As the whales come up to feed at the surface usually the sea lions dart ...