
Es werden Posts vom Juli, 2019 angezeigt.

Humpback whale swallows sea lion in accidental encounter during feeding frenzy – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

As traffic on the humpback highway ramps up along the east coast of Australia, a baleen whale on the other side of the Pacific has attracted attention for appearing to swallow a sea lion. Wildlife photographer Chase Dekker snapped the encounter during an anchovy feeding frenzy in California’s Monterey Bay. The sea lion appears to have got caught on the wrong end of the food chain and by the look on its face was as shocked to find itself between the humpback’s jaws as the Californian photographer was to capture the moment. “The whale lunged out of the water with that big mouth and this time I guess the sea lion didn’t move out of the way quickly enough — it was a little distracted I guess,” Mr Dekker said. Mr Dekker, a wildlife and conservation photographer, said it was common for humpback whales and sea lions to feed together during the anchovy season in the northern hemisphere from spring through to autumn. “As the whales come up to feed at the surface usually the sea lions dart ...

Experts reveal health benefits of a banana based on its colour – and what brown spots REALLY mean | Daily Mail Online

As one of the cheapest and most satiating fruits, bananas are up there with the most popular snacks you can buy.  And while their health benefits are widely known, few are aware of how the ripeness of a banana impacts on its nutritional make-up. So to help make it clear, Australian sports dietitian Ryan Pinto recently shared a graphic about the various benefits – and why eating an over-ripe banana may not be a great idea.  ‘The best way to understand how the health of a banana can change is by investigating what really happens to them internally over time,’ he wrote on his page, High Performance Nutrition AU .  Australian sports dietitian Ryan Pinto recently shared a graphic about the various benefits of bananas at different stages – and why eating an over-ripe banana may not be a great idea Green bananas  According to Ryan, green bananas are ‘youthful, low FODMAP and full of starch’. ‘Referred to as “resistant” starch, this nutrient makes your digestive syst...

The Impact of Binge-Watching TV Shows on Our Brain

Binge-watching has become a common phenomenon, thanks to fast internet, smart devices, and easy access to platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu. But what exactly is binge-watching? To explain it in a simple language, when you watch a TV show continuously for hours, forgetting about all the other work that you have, it is called binge-watching. According to some data from Netflix , a total of 61% of its users binge-watch their favorite TV shows from time to time. Hence, many people around the world binge-watch TV shows every now and then. Impact of binge-watching on our brain No doubt watching repeated episodes one after the other of your favorite show feels amazing. But what impact does it have on your brain function? Dr. Renee Carr, a clinical psychologist , shares that the “feeling good” is because of the chemicals that are released in our brain. She explains that when we are engaged in an enjoyable activity like binge-watching, our brain releases dopamine, which is the...

The Science of Stories: How Stories Impact Our Brains

When was the last time you got lost in a story? Perhaps you sat down to read “just one chapter” of a book and grew completely absorbed, spending three or four hours buried in the pages without realizing it. Perhaps you tuned into a podcast on your morning walk and became so engrossed you went on autopilot, finding yourself back at home without quite knowing how you got there. Or maybe you lost yourself in a movie, heart racing, tears flowing, breath caught in your throat right along with the characters. Whatever the format, there’s no denying that a well-told story has a powerful impact on its audience. In fact, there’s an oft-cited statistic claiming that messages delivered as stories can be up to 22 times more memorable than just the facts.  So why is that?  We’ve written about the power of storytelling before—about how stories act as pneumonic devices for facts, engage our emotions, and even transport us (figuratively, at least) to different worlds.  But now, le...

Scientists discover new chemistry that may help explain the origins of cellular life

Best smartphone 2019: iPhone, OnePlus, Samsung and Huawei compared and ranked | Technology | The Guardian

Blade Confirmed To Be Part Of Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 5

Following the conclusion of the 23 movie Infinity Saga that resulted in the highest-grossing movie in history , Marvel Studios officially announced their first set of post- Avengers: Endgame projects last night at San Diego Comic Con. Despite closing last night’s panel by revealing Mahershala Ali will be starring a Blade reboot, Kevin Feige has confirmed that the Daywalker won’t be a part of Phase Four. As well as incorporating television shows into the big-screen narrative for the first time thanks to Disney Plus exclusives The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, WandaVision, Loki and Hawkeye , Feige stated that barring any release date changes the current Phase Four lineup of Black Widow, Eternals, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and Thor: Love and Thunder is set in stone: “It is the complete Phase Four the way I announced the complete Phase Three five years ago – things can move, things can change as they did if you go back...

15 Exercises You Can Do to Lose Belly Fat, If You’ve Got Only 10 Free Minutes a Day

A saggy and flabby belly is an annoying thing to remove, especially if you are very busy at work. The whole gym routine takes at least an hour and sometimes you just can’t find time for it. Luckily, even 10 minutes a day can help you to achieve your dream body. There are easy, quick, and effective exercises that you can do in the morning or in the evening, and they will only take 10 minutes! Bright Side understands how busy modern life can be, that’s why we have assembled a list of short exercises for your stomach. You can choose the ones you like, combine them together, and practice them during your free time! 1. Warm up: jump rope The best way to start your workout and warm your body up is by jumping rope. This quick cardio is all you need for a nice energy boost. Repeat for 30 seconds. 2. Plank with knee to elbow Targets: This pl...

Scientists Discover New Species Of Shark That Glows In The Dark

(CNN) — Sharks are known to stalk and sniff out prey before they attack. But all this newly discovered shark species has to do is glow in the dark, and the prey comes to them. The 5 1/2-inch American Pocket Shark is the first of its kind to be discovered in the Gulf of Mexico, according to a new Tulane University study . It’s less fearsome than it is wondrous. Scientists stumbled upon a teeny male kitefin shark in 2010 while studying sperm whales in the Gulf. It wasn’t observed again until 2013, when National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) researcher Mark Grace found it in a pool of less luminous specimens. It’s only the second pocket shark ever captured or recorded, Grace said in a statement. The other was found in 1979 in the east Pacific Ocean. “Both are separate species, each from separate oceans,” he said. “Both are exceedingly rare.” According to the paper, the shark secretes a glowing fluid from a tiny pocket gland near its front fins. It’s thought to hel...

Marvel reveals massive Phase Four film and television slate – The Verge

Marvel Studios’ Phase Four of its Marvel Cinematic Universe will include 10 movies and Disney + series when it launches next year, with 2021 looking especially crowded. President Kevin Feige appeared at San Diego Comic-Con for Marvel’s 90-minute appearance in Hall H, where he gave a pretty lengthy update on Phase 4. The Phase Four slate that Marvel unveiled includes the following: Black Widow (May 1st, 2020), Falcon and the Winter Soldier (Fall 2020), The Eternals (November 6th, 2020), Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (February 12, 2021), WandaVision (Spring 2021), Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness (May 7th, 2021), Loki (Spring 2021), What If (Summer 2021), Hawkeye (Fall 2021), and Thor: Love and Thunder (November 5th, 2021). Feige made a surprise announcement at the end saying that he didn’t have time to address where the Fantastic Four or X-Men would end up in the franchise, but that one additional project will be Blade, which will feature Mahershala Al...

Loyal Bullmastiff dodges bears and wolves after walking 125 miles through Siberian forests | Daily Mail Online

A wounded and weeping dog walked 125 miles through Russian forests brimming with brown bears and wolves desperately seeking the owner who rejected her. Maru, a one-year-old Bullmastiff, was given up by an owner who claimed she was allergic to the dog. The puppy was then sent on the Trans-Siberian train back to the kennels where she was born.   Maru, a one-year-old Bullmastiff, was given up by an owner who claimed she was allergic to the dog The puppy was then sent on the Trans-Siberian train back to the kennels where she was born But loyal Maru escaped when the train heading west to Novosibirsk stopped at a remote station near Achinsk, using her paws to open a compartment door and flee back towards the owner who gave her up. Train staff who were looking after the spurned pet shouted her name on the platform but to no avail. Kennel owner Alla Morozova in Novosibirsk city organised a search for the lost Bullmastiff and pleaded on social media for information. Amazingly, ...

Heartless thieves stole seven puppies and slashed at their mum with a machete when she bravely tried to stop them – Manchester Evening News

Thank you for subscribing We have more newsletters Show me See our privacy notice Sick thieves stole seven puppies and slashed their mum with a machete as they raided a flat in Harpurhey. Masked robbers followed the occupant of the flat into his property on Fernclough Road at around 9.30am this morning. They attacked the man, leaving him with wounds to his forearms and hands. The thieves came across the litter of puppies with their mother, Zena, as they searched the flat. They grabbed the puppies, four females and three males, and shoved them into carrier bags. Zena bravely tried to defend her pups but was slashed in the head with a machete by one of the men, leaving a deep laceration in her cheek. The two men fled with the puppies as well as cash, keys and a phone belonging to the vicitm. Police say the puppies are unlikely to survive after being taken from their mother at such an early age. They are urging anyone with information to contact the force. The puppies are descr...

Researchers Find a Promising Treatment for Video Game Addiction

Researchers in Germany have published a new study they claim shows promise for treating video game addiction. Researchers claim that patients experienced a 70 percent remission rate, and the treatment doesn’t use psychiatric drugs. Rather than wean them off gaming entirely, the methods described in the study seek to re-configure the patient’s relationship with gaming as a whole. Experts still disagree on the exact nature of video game addiction— or if it even exists . Last September, the World Health Organization added “gaming disorder” to its list of recognized diseases . America’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ( DSM-5 ) recognizes that something’s going on, but calls for closer study. Recognizing gaming addiction as a legitimate psychological disorder could help thousands of gamers with addiction get help, but cures may be worse than the disease . Other people have studied video game addiction and proposed treatment, but used a small sample size, or perfo...

NASA Releases Incredible Photo of ISS Passing Across the Sun

A photo of the sun with a glimpse of the International Space Station as it orbits the Earth was recently featured by NASA and it would be stunning enough on its own; however, the image is made all the more special because it features the Sun at a time when there are no sunspots. Thanks to Rainee Colacurcio , who captured the photo, the world is able to enjoy this unique moment. Colacurcio has also posted several other photographs of ISS transiting the Sun , demonstrating her skill level in taking such a technically difficult photograph. “Transiting the Sun is not very unusual for the ISS, which orbits the Earth about every 90 minutes, but getting one’s timing and equipment just right for a great image is rare,” wrote NASA, who featured the photograph as its Astronomy Picture of the Day . In order to get the final appearance, two photographs were composited together. The first featured the space station as it transited the Sun, while the other was taken in order to capture t...

How to Fix a Frozen Windows PC

IGN’s Top 10 Free-To-Play Games on Steam – Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Gaming can put major stress on your wallet and even with seasonal Steam sales, it never feels like there’s enough money in the world to try out all the games we want. Luckily there are a ton out there that don’t cost anything! We’ve been digging into the Steam library and found ten exceptional free to play games currently available, so save your cash. 10. Brawlhalla Initial release date: November 3, 2015 Brawlhalla could be described as Smash Bros lite. It’s a platform fighter that incorporates powerful weapons and gadget drops that change your playstyle according to the specific item. One minute you’ll be fighting with grenades, then the next you’ll be riding a rocket spear into someone’s face. Play in ranked or casual matches that support 1v1, 4v4, and anywhere in between. There’s even an alternate party mode with completely different objectives to mix things up. The roster of 46 legends can be bought with earnable in-game currency in addition to real money, but there are always ...

‘Not science fiction any more’: The Tasmanian tiger could soon be back from extinction |

SHARE THIS ARTICLE Scientists Are One Big Step Away From Bringing Back The Extinct Tasmanian Tiger The Tasmanian tiger, aka the thylacine, is still an iconic and symbolic animal in Tasmania. It is to Australia what the Loch Ness Monster is to Scotland. Now scientists are saying that with the use of gene editing and jars of preserved pups, the species may be coming back. Thylacines were native to Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea. They were the largest modern carnivorous marsupial and contained distinct features: structured like a dog, stripes on the lower back, and a pouch like a kangaroo. Sadly, humans hunted Tasmanian tigers to extinction, with the last living one perishing nearly 80 years ago at Tasmania’s Hobart Zoo in 1936. With new technology picking up in recent years, “de-extinction” is becoming a more serious science. A new DNA tool called CRISPR is a gene-editing technique that can be used to recreate the genetic blueprint of an animal. “Basically, you can take...

Netflix cuts graphic suicide scene from 13 Reasons Why two years later – Polygon

Netflix announced on Tuesday that it had cut a controversial suicide scene from teen drama 13 Reasons Why . The streaming service has long faced backlash for a three-minute scene from season 1 in which the series’ central character, Hannah (Katherine Langford), graphically commits suicide. The series is centered about her death and the series of tapes she left behind to explain why she chose to end her life. “We’ve heard from many young people that 13 Reasons Why encouraged them to start conversations about difficult issues like depression and suicide and get help — often for the first time,” the streaming platform released in a statement on Twitter . “We’ve been mindful about the ongoing debate around the show. So on the advice of medical experts, including Dr. Christine Moutier, Chief Medial Officer at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, we’ve decided with creator Brian Yorkey and the producers of 13 Reasons Why to edit the scene in which Hannah takes her own life from...

Non-binary link to autism – Neuroscience News

Summary: Non-binary and transgender people have a higher risk of autism, a new study reports. The risk is significantly higher for those who were assigned the female gender at birth. Source: Anglia Ruskin University New research indicates that transgender and non-binary individuals are significantly more likely to have autism or display autistic traits than the wider population – a finding that has important implications for gender confirmation treatments. The study, led by Dr. Steven Stagg of Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) and published in the journal European Psychiatry , is one of the first pieces of research to focus on people who identify as non-binary. It found that 14% of the transgender and non-binary group had a diagnosis of autism, while a further 28% of this group reached the cut-off point for an autism diagnosis, suggesting a high number of potentially undiagnosed individuals. These figures were primarily driven by high scoring amongst those whose assigned gender was...

How moonlight affects animals and plants | MNN – Mother Nature Network

Here on Earth, we have the moon’s gravitational pull to thank for the ocean tides , among other things. But what about moonlight? The light reflected off the moon has an effect on life on Earth, which isn’t surprising, but not every lunar influence is heralded by a wolf’s howl. Looking at a few examples of moonlight’s subtler influences reveals how much the moon has shaped life on Earth in unexpected ways. The moon and animal behavior The light of a brighter moon may make the feathers of the eagle owl more visible. (Photo: Imran Ashraf/Shutterstock) Some animals, especially nocturnal species, have adapted their hunting and mating activities to the light of the moon. Some animals simply see better at night or are aided by the light of the moon. In contrast, prey animals know that to be seen means to be eaten, so it’s prudent to hide when the moon is bright. And just as moonlight can influence predator-prey schedules, it also can influence some mating behaviors. For example, certa...